Gum Grafting: What You Need to Know

What are receding gums?
Sometimes, as we age, our gums begin to pull away from our teeth. Because the progress is so gradual, many people don’t even realize that this problem is affecting them until the issue has gone on for quite some time. Sometimes they don’t even notice until their gums have receded enough to show their tooth’s root. This creates a serious situation where someone’s tooth is being exposed to things that it shouldn’t be. Allowing your gums to recede this far can end up with your tooth becoming extremely sensitive to temperature. Cold or hot beverages or food could eventually present big problems for you. Even more than that, however, is the fact that receding gums can lead to tooth and bone loss if left untreated for too long.
What is a tissue graft?
A tissue graft is similar to bone grafting, which takes the bone and grafts it to areas where more bone is needed. This is a common procedure done when preparing for dental implant surgery, for example, as there must be plenty of bone in place to support dental implants. In the same way, a tissue graft takes tissue from your palate, also known as the roof of your mouth, or the healthy gum tissue surrounding the tissue causing issues. That is then attached to the problem tissue around the root of your tooth. Over time, the healthy tissue will begin to grow and reverse the receding process.
What can I expect after surgery?
Tissue grafting is a relatively straightforward process. It shouldn’t take too long, and you will be able to return home as soon as it is complete. If you received any form of sedative, of course, you will need someone to drive you. You might experience discomfort for a few days after the procedure, and will need to be especially careful around the gumline as it is healing. That often means not flossing or brushing it until it is fully healed. You should also eat cool, soft foods that are easy to chew and will be gentle on your healing gums.
For more information regarding tissue grafting, give us a call today at (480) 820-4342! We are ready and willing to sit down and discuss your oral health needs with you as quickly as possible. Schedule an evaluation today!